If Trump’s son was like Hunter Biden, the media would have dragged him through the mud…

Richard Powski
2 min readJul 3, 2021

…which is why I laugh when Leftists try and guilt Conservatives for making fun of Hunter. A liberal said to me, in response to this meme,

Liberal: “Shame on you for making fun of Hunter. That’s low. The Trump kids are abhorrent people.”
Me: If Hunter were a Republican’s child, he would be shown no mercy, so I really don’t want to hear about how horrible it is. You’d be joining me in the fun if this were Trump’s son. Also, how are the Trump kids “abhorrent”? To me, it looks like they’re good people, most of them are married, and they work hard for their dad. They seem like good stand up kids to me.

Liberal: “Yeah, and they have divorces….And remember how they GOT those jobs….

Me: Are you listening to yourself? You’re trying to guilt me for making fun of Hunter and his drug addiction, and I’m telling you that you would give no mercy for Trump’s children, and you just proved my point. You’re trying to say I should leave pedophilically-inclined, crack-smoking, racial-slur spewing Hunter Biden alone. But in the same breath, you’re trying to say the Trump kids are bad people….Because they’ve been divorced and they work for their dad.

They didn’t respond back.



Richard Powski

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